Cyndi O

Travels From Queensland



Cyndi O'Meara

A lively and inspiring health expert and lifestyle coach.

Cyndi O'Meara is a curious and concerned individual who aims to increase the health and lifestyle of all Australians. She is passionate about educating consumers about all things health whilst tackling difficult and confronting topics. She proposes serious questions in order to make a person stop and think about what they are willing to consume and put into their body.  

As a nutritionist, Cyndi disagrees with low-fat, low-calorie diets whilst encouraging the idea that eating yummy foods in balance is an important aspect of any lifestyle. She is determined to create knowledgeable individuals that experience greater health and live longer lives. Combining education and her own experiences with current information and scientific research, her presentations are always educational. 

By both challenging and encouraging people to eliminate unhealthy habits, Cyndi has seen thousands of people make smarter choices about what they consume to fuel their bodies. She happily teaches her audience how to read food labels, how and why diets don't work and how drugs affect overall health and well-being.

Cyndi confronts her audience with new truths whilst equipping them with simple, achievable steps they can implement to create healthier habits and lifestyles. 

She holds a Bachelor of Science majoring in Nutrition as well as postgraduate studies in Human Anatomy, Pathology, Physiology and Diplomas in Diagnosis and Management of Health Issues. 

In 2003, Cyndi was named Business Women of the Year in the Sunshine Coast. 

Cyndi has also authored two successful books, titled 'Changing Habits, Changing Lives' and the accompanying 'Changing Habits, Changing Lives Cookbook'. She is a regular contributor to several magazines and newspapers. Cyndi has also shared her health tips on television and radio.

A health focussed speaker, Cyndi O'Meara is in high demand both nationally and internationally. She broadens her audiences understanding of health and what it truly means to be healthy. 

Enquire about Cyndi O'Meara to speak at your next event