Jamie Skella  - Futurists & Future Trends - Navigating future tech trends to help businesses s ...

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Speaker Topics

Blockchain: Chain reactions in the way we trade

Blockchain is a technology and concept that will fundamentally challenge the way businesses operate. But also a technology clouded in complexity and technicality. To some extend the Finance sector has already begun exploring the applications of this staggering technology, but have we truly explored the chain reaction? In this topic Jamie explores the capability and potential applications of blockchain for the financial sector, and how that might change the way we interact with financial institutions in the future. Read less
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Chain Reaction: Tomorrows business blueprint

Concepts of emerging technology can be foreign, complex and intimidating, with it all have huge implications for our future lives. Knowing where to start in understanding the chain reaction they will trigger can be an overwhelming thought. In this topic, Jamie walks audiences through the unprecedented change already upon us, and yet to descend upon the business landscape. Learn to decode current trends redefining the business of tomorrow, but also gain a strategic blueprint to understand and map out the application to specific businesses and industries. Read less
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The Chain of Trust: A new economy driven by trust

In the current consumer market, what are the true implications of digitisation, blockchain and the sharing economy? These trends and technologies can be our greatest tools in building trust with our customers, employees and stakeholders, but how do we properly use them to gain, build and trade trust? In this topic, Jamie explores future trends surrounding the chain reaction of trust, decoding the significance of this concept in the future, and empowering organisations with the tools to properly build and harness trust and transparency. Audiences walk away feeling confident that they have the tools and knowledge to meaningfully connect with their ecosystems. Read less
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Jamie Skella

Navigating future tech trends to help businesses succeed

With over 20 years across the emerging tech landscape, Jamie Skella has been helping global organisations navigate disruptive trends to understand the implications of their industry's future. By understanding every opportunity presented, businesses are equipped to thrive thanks to Jamie’s expertise and intuition. 

Originally the Head of UX at the Australian Football League, Jamie spearheaded their first virtual reality R&D initiatives. He continues to expand on his interests with new technologies, exploring everything from virtual reality to Blockchain. His expertise of IoT tech also inspired his own brand to create the app Embark, which has been featured on the Apple Store seven times. Jamie also lodged a patent for Nearcast after innovating new way for users to engage with out-of-home environments.

Jamie holds an incredible track record of identifying and capitalising on emerging tech opportunities. He has particular expertise across ASX 100 businesses, award-winning start-ups, as well as leading brands around the world, giving his clients a comprehensive understanding of the future tech landscape. 

In recognition of his Blockchain voting system, he was awarded the World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer Award, and was listed by The Australian as 7th among 100 innovations that will change the world. Jamie was also invited to the BMW Foundation Global Table as 1 of the 25 global leaders shaping our future.

Passionate about esports, Jamie played for the best esports team in the country, and is currently an owner of Australia's first esports bar. In his spare time, he gives back to the community by partnering with organisations like the Adelaide Crows and Australian Red Cross for charitable causes.

Jamie is a rare expert in the technologies of the future, helping organisations navigate emerging trends to shape their own future. He is also passionate about the future of work, change as opportunity, and cultivating a culture for innovation across government and corporate sectors. Delivered with charisma and clarity, Jamie inspires innovation through a range of speaking engagements, including at TechEd and Xerocon.

Enquire about Jamie Skella to speak at your next event