Liz Volpe - Entrepreneur - One of Australia

Travels From Victoria

Speaker Topics

Dare to Dream

Todays dreamers are tomorrows leaders. With the onset of Influences such as technology and artificial intelligence, it is difficult to comprehend the world of work and business beyond 2020 and 2020 is not far away. How do we empower young people with the skills they require in a world yet to be imagined? In this presentation, Liz empowers young people with tools designed to equip them to dream, pioneer new ideas, think outside the square, move with agility and to fundamentally solve big problems with decisiveness and speed. All skills that are vital to preparation of tomorrow leaders. Read less
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Dare to Pioneer

As serial founder of businesses in both the commercial and social space, Liz fundamentally understands what it takes to be brave enough to not only have a bold dream but to execute that vision. It does not matter whether you are an entrepreneur; a CEO or a business leader, the ability to take a risk, innovate and execute new ideas is imperative to survival in the ever changing business landscape of tomorrow. Liz will break down the fundamentals of entrepreneurial thinking in a leadership role. This includes themes addressing the activation of purpose, the execution of vision, creating a mindset for success, risk taking, decision making and failing fast. Read less
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Dream Weaver

As the Co Founder of Project Gen Z and The League of Extraordinary Women, Liz is the first tell you that her dreams would not have been possible without the incredible network of entrepreneurs willing to get behind her vision and support her pursuits. As leaders how do we weave a dream that others can own and feel passionate about? The magic behind any idea is the ability for that idea to become a movement, however, a movement requires a tribe to form around that idea. In this presentation, Liz reveals the secrets to her success in building two of Australias most successful entrepreneurial networks. She will cover of content relating to the communication of vision, tribe driven marketing strategies, In addition to looking at how businesses can connect with and to the heart of the humans who create it. Read less
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Liz Volpe

One of Australia's most prominent female entrepreneurs

Liz Volpe is one of Australia's most prominent female entrepreneurs dedicated to empowering the next generation with the skills to navigate a business landscape yet to be imagined. She is a courageous innovator, empowered woman in business and is driven by an unshakeable belief that the pursuit of our dreams can positively affect change in the world.

As the founder of Project Gen Z, Liz's purpose is focused on educating the youth of today in entrepreneurial thinking. She knows only too well the importance of these skills having herself landed in Australia in her early twenties with nothing more than a backpack full of dreams and a heart full of determination.

These dreams led Liz to pursue a successful career in commission only sales, before founding her first business in 2006 Zest Possibilities. Zest was a market leader in outsourced promotions, sales, and marketing campaigns; however Liz defines the success of Zest by the $156 Million funds raised for Australian and International charities.

In 2012, Liz continued her pursuit to pioneer purpose-driven business ideas when she co-founded The League of Extraordinary Women. Today the League has launched in 9 cities around Australia, showcased over 100+ female entrepreneur speakers, run conferences with over 3000 women attending, and created a community of over 120,000.

By 2015, Liz had ticked all of the boxes defining success, however there was one big dream she was yet to pursue. A few years earlier she had visited Sunrise Cambodia and as a result of that experience knew that she had a destiny inside yet to be born. That destiny would not only help the young people of Sunrise but also inspire young people all over the world. Project Gen Z was born.

Project Gen Z are a collective of Australia’s leading entrepreneurs and CEOS who have joined forces to roll out Dare to Dream entrepreneurial workshops targeted at young people all over the world. ​With Liz at the helm, the Project Gen Z team have educated more than 1500 students in Australia and developing nations while also raising more than $400,000 dollars for partner charities.

Three years on Liz's dream is building in momentum. Along with continuing to offer world changing travel experiences for entrepreneurs, she is currently implementing school workshops in Australia and developing a dream activation program for indigenous students.

Today she continues her mission to inspire big dreams through her extraordinary vision for the future of our planet. She is undoubtedly one of the most influential thought leaders of her time for young people and is also an incredible role model for women in business, pioneering leaders and socially minded innovators. When In the presence of Liz one cannot help but believe that dreams really do come true. 


Enquire about Liz Volpe to speak at your next event