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JJ (Joanna) Ferrari - Motivational Speakers - Inspiring change and greatness

Travels From New South Wales

Speaker Topics

Dare to Embrace Change

JJ Ferrari embraces change as an integral part of life, utilizing it to shape the life she desires. Change, though challenging, holds a transformative beauty, pushing individuals beyond comfort zones and unveiling new self-discoveries. Embracing change involves accepting the unpredictable, finding joy in the unexpected, and growing resilient. Through these experiences, individuals evolve into their best versions, learning to adapt, find beauty in uncertainty, and ultimately, thrive in the face of life's fluctuations.

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Fear into Confidence

The bad news is we can never eliminate fear; it's a constant in the human mind. However, the good news is that we can learn to navigate it, harness its energy, and turn it to our advantage. This presentation guides you through understanding and confronting fear, revealing ways to diminish its overpowering presence. Fear often feels overwhelming and uncontrollable, leaving us powerless. Drawing from personal experience, the speaker delves into the intricacies of fear, determining whether it's False Evidence Appearing Real or Actually Real. By the end of the presentation, your audience's perception of fear will undergo a transformation, offering them newfound insights and tools to effectively manage this universal aspect of the human experience.

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How to be Happy being You

Ever felt caught in the whirlwind of uncertainty, fear, and unexpected 'Start Over' moments? While not claiming sage status, I'm a seasoned guide through this adventure, having navigated countless natural and self-imposed reinventions. From awkward teenage phases to 'figured it all out' misconceptions and a challenging gender transition, I've weathered storms that weren't always rainbows and unicorns. Each experience, whether good or bad, shapes us. "How to Be Happy Being You" is a transformative talk infused with actionable advice, real stories of resilience, and a touch of JJ humor. Audiences will leave with tangible steps to lead a happier, more authentic life. Let's collaborate to make your event unforgettable, creating an experience that resonates long after the lights dim!

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The Everyday Ally

JJ's "The Everyday Ally" presentation is a culture-shifting experience that unveils a unique process she developed during her own need for allies. Recognizing the reciprocal nature of allyship, JJ emphasizes the universal truth that everyone requires allies. The presentation guides attendees on selecting allies to conquer weaknesses and leveraging strengths to aid others. When applied in a business context, this approach fosters immediate inclusion, providing a roadmap for making a lasting impact on the world around them.

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JJ (Joanna) Ferrari

Inspiring change and greatness

JJ Ferrari has been motivating audiences to embrace change and strive for greatness. Drawing on personal anecdotes, she is passionate about connecting with people on a personal level so she can guide them to becoming the best versions of themselves. 

With a highly successful career in business, JJ has been leading the corporate sector in Australia through a range of leadership roles, including CEO of Anthony Robbins AU, as well as CEO and Founder of Dance Monkey Design. She has developed her extensive and effective communication skills as an international sales trainer and speaker. 

By tearing off the labels we all wear, JJ delivers important lessons on a range of topics, including stepping outside your comfort zones; the negatives of success culture; overcoming obstacles; culture identity and culture intelligence; building confidence; and high definition communication.

From her thriving executive career to her courageous identity change as a transgender woman, JJ captivates audiences with stories of navigating change and resilience. She is the perfect keynote speaker for any audience looking to become more confident and successful in their personal and professional lives.


Enquire about JJ (Joanna) Ferrari to speak at your next event