Lynne Cazaly - Communication - Build your know how in communicaton, innovation an ...

Travels From Victoria



Speaker Topics

A Culture of Agility

It is no secret that the principles of agile software development have been helping teams deliver quality software. But what if you are not in the tech business? Is there anything to be gained from all this agile speak? Lynnes keynote on Agile Cultures uncovers the elements of agility and shows you what works, why it works and how to adopt it in your world of work no matter your industry, business, team, size or sector. It includes a practical application session where you can identify what to do now and next in applying agile principles and practices to how you think, work and collaborate. Read less
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Cognitive Load Coping

Ensure the value of your conference is extended by equipping delegates with these clever, capable and comprehensive thinking skills. In this world of too much information, including information overload at conferences, it does not take long before we feel the effects of cognitive overload. The pace of information is not slowing down, so we will have to adapt, learn a new capability that will help us think, manage, share and cope with information. It is time to learn the immediately applicable skills of handling information overload. The techniques of cognitive load coping include things like: synthesis, chunking, context setting, actions and insights and a host of smart visual mapping tools that put dot points and messy lists to shame. Read less
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ish: The Problem with our Pursuit for Perfection

ish tackles the problems we face when we chase the elusive perfect, whether we are preparing a report or presentation at work, making something or working on any of our projects in life. Excellence, quality and continuous improvement are important. But the pursuit of perfection, not so much. Lynne shares the latest thinking, information and ideas on the problems of going for perfect and how caring less and being more ish, which means somewhat, more or less, to some extent, is a more flexible, helpful and happier way to think and work. Read less
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Sensemaking: The Capability for a World of Uncertainty

With sensemaking topping out as the number one capability for 2020 and beyond, there is increasing interest in understanding HOW to make sense and WHAT to do with what you think, know or find out. In this keynote, Lynne identifies how sensemaking works, what to do for your field or industry and how to leverage this unique human capability so you can engage better with customers and clients, work more effectively as an organisation and deliver greater commercial benefits in these challenging times. It includes skills to visually capture information, sketch, scribe and draw and you do not need any drawing skills. Read less
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The Era of Ease

The world of work has changed. If you are a leader, you need to be more collaborative, able to help a group of individuals play to their strengths and get great work done. You need to be able to make the workplace safe for them to be themselves. And to be able to bring them together, to remove barriers, roadblocks and obstacles to their progress and not create them. This is a bigger role than just you and your title, your package, ego or status. You will need to bring empathy, great listening skills, clever questioning capabilities and the ability to chill out, to stop being so driven, anxious and intense. Facilitation means ease, to make easier. Todays world of work needs you to be a leader who makes things easier. That is making progress, meetings, problem solving, conversations, influence, starting and finishing things, all easier. Help make it all easier. This is the era of ease. Read less
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Lynne Cazaly

Build your know how in communicaton, innovation and influence

Lynne Cazaly isn’t your average speaker. She is creative, inspiring, engaging and has a remarkable ability to impart skill and capability to a room through her pragmatic presentations.

Lynne’s experience in the field of communications and influence means she walks the talk of communication and engagement with impact. Her work with project teams in industries like technology, health care and banking and finance has made her a conference hit.

Lynne is often rated the best speaker/ session of a conference event, able to engage the audience, and then shift their thinking as well as build their know-how. She is a master of group work and group processes being an expert facilitator, and trainer of facilitators, and as a former broadcaster, knows the power of a microphone and an audience!

Her sessions are often career, project and team transformation points; great things happen during and after a presentation by Lynne. She’s known for her exciting visuals – hand-drawn, digital and often created and edited live, on the screen. 


Enquire about Lynne Cazaly to speak at your next event