Emma Doyle - Communication - Emma can be your team’s guide to future success. ...

Travels From Victoria

Emma Doyle

Emma can be your team’s guide to future success.

Emma Doyle’s energy and passion are contagious, and she is able to invigorate any audience.  Brining to events her International tennis coaching perspectives, Emma helps to provide clarity to both the professional and personal lives of attendees,  

As a highly experienced coach and International lecturer, Emma connects with her audience and is able to provide a range of speeches and programs. She provides key messages around the topics of communication, learning preferences as well as tennis based behavioural styles to assist with self-awareness, team awareness and building a winning strategy.  

Emma’s most popular subject topics are ROI is a direct result of IOR (improvement on relationships), communication is key, playing in the zone and closing the deal, and what do all number 1 tennis players’ in the world have in common?

Enquire about Emma Doyle to speak at your next event