Steve Simpson - Business Speakers - An international conference speaker on workplace c ...

Travels From Victoria

Speaker Topics

Cracking the Corporate Culture Code: Transforming workplace cultures

Completely fresh insights into the real culture in your workplace and how you can transform it for increased performance and productivity. Read less
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Creating a Culture of Service: Beyond service training

How to differentiate the organisation by delivering on promises and adding something special to create a band of loyal customers. Read less
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Creating a Safety Culture: Safety, for real

Going beyond knowing about the importance of safety, to having collective ownership of a safety culture. Read less
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Creating a Service Revolution: Service as a point of difference

Novel insights into the impact of great service and how the concept of Discretionary Service can be used to gain a band of loyal customers. Read less
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In the Drivers Seat, Leading Culture Change: Leading workplace cultures

Insights for leaders into how they can unleash massive potential within and across teams by focusing on their workplace culture. Read less
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UGRs and Change Management: An appetite for change

Understanding the reasons behind change resistance and how to create teams with an appetite and enthusiasm for change. Read less
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Steve Simpson

An international conference speaker on workplace culture 

Steve Simpson is an international speaker, consultant and author. He is passionate about the importance of culture and how that can change the way we do business. 

Having been featured at two World Conferences on Customer Service Management, Steve is known for his extensive experience and knowledge on consumers. His clients include Bayer Australia, Commonwealth Bank​, Kmart Australia, National Australia Bank, Toyota Australia, Zurich Australia as well as many more large corporations. 

Previously, Steve was a Chapter President of the Australian Customer Service Association, and he has been an evaluator in the Australian Customer Service Awards.

Holding a Master's Degree, Steve has been the author of two books, and helped co-author another two books. 


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