Michael McQueen - Business Speakers - Award winning speaker, trend forecaster and bestse ...

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Speaker Topics

De Coding the Millennial Mindset: The essential guide to understanding and engaging the next generat

No organization or business can afford to ignore Millennials. In addition to being the largest generation in history, they possess over 30 per cent of consumer spending power and make up half of the working population. Having conducted an extensive study into the defining attitudes and values of Millennials, Michael has a unique insight into the next generation. Learn the common myths and misconceptions many leaders and businesses believe about Millennials as well as a range of proven and practical strategies for being relevant to a younger cohort Read less
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Mastering the Art of Momentum: The secret to achieving effortless and enduring growth

We all love being on a roll, in sync and firing on all cylinders, that flow state sensation where everything just seems to work. But what happens when the groove becomes a rut, inspiration evaporates, or your mojo disappears? Enduring success and growth for any business today is dependent on building and maintaining unstoppable momentum. Understand the science and art of momentum, where it comes from and why it makes all the difference when you have got it working for you. Read less
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Preparing Now for What is Next: How to bullet proof you business model in turbulent times

Every business and industry today is facing a perfect storm of disruption and upheaval. In the face of the changes ahead, agility and adaptability will be more important than ever. The future success and survival of your organization will rest on the ability to anticipate, prepare for and pre-empt disruption. Michael teaches audiences the 4 FORMS that disruption will take in the coming decade, the key technology trends that will shape the future including Artificial Intelligence, robotics and business automation. Michael shows the common culture and mindset traps that will set any organization on a collision course with obsolescence and how to avoid them. Audience members will leave this presentation with a clear action plan for navigating disruption and emerging stronger than ever. Read less
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Teaching for Tomorrow: How to equip students today for the future

Students in classrooms today will enter a world very different to the one their teachers and parents have known. In light of the uncertainty that lies ahead, it is more important than ever that educators keep their finger of the pulse of technological and societal trends in order to help students prepare for them. Learn the skills and competencies young people will need in order to be future fit Read less
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The Case for Character: Why trusted brands are more lucrative, loved and long lasting

In this revealing, practical and compelling keynote presentation, bestselling author and trend forecaster Michael McQueen highlights why character matters more than ever. In the coming years, consumers will demand greater transparency, trustworthiness and values alignment from the brands and businesses they engage with. This research rich and compelling topic helps audiences to discover why the marketplace today is more sceptical and discerning and how this creates opportunity. Michael demonstrates how to build or rebuild trust through credibility, consistency, clarity and congruence. Read less
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Michael McQueen

Award winning speaker, trend forecaster and bestselling author.

Michael McQueen is a multi-award winning speaker, trend forecaster and bestselling author of 9 books.

With clients including KPMG, Pepsi and Cisco, he has helped some of the world’s most successful brands navigate disruption and maintain momentum.

In addition to featuring regularly as a commentator on TV and radio, Michael is a familiar face on the international conference circuit having shared the stage with the likes of Bill Gates, Dr. John Maxwell and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.

Michael has spoken to over 500,000 people across 5 continents since 2004, and is known for his engaging, entertaining and practical conference presentations.

Having been formerly named Australia’s Keynote Speaker of the Year, Michael has been inducted into the Professional Speakers Hall of Fame.


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