Jack DeLosa - Business Speakers - Hear from someone that delivers a refreshing  ...

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Business Speakers,

Speaker Topics

Consciously Creating Culture: Uniting people around purpose

Culture is about uniting around a purpose. It is about a group of people collectively sharing and working towards a vision. It is about creating an environment that inspires and enables people to do their lifes best work. Culture goes far beyond the eye candy the media hold up as great culture. Great leadership needs to be ingrained into the DNA of the organisation, in order to drive sustained performance. In this presentation, Jack outlines how to discover the purpose inherent in your organisation or team, craft your vision so that your people understand your why and are inspired towards its achievement as well as develop your mission so that your people understand what the future looks like and who they need to become in order to contribute. Read less
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The Innovators Dilemma: Brining entrepreneurial principles into big business

As one of Australias leading and most disruptive entrepreneurs, Jack Delosa has developed principles over his career that enable organisations to innovate effectively. Innovation is not about shallow incentives or surface level initiatives, but real innovation is driven by a need to rethink the future and must be underpinned by sound judgement. Innovation can prove to be challenging in mature enterprise that is often large, risk averse and resistant to change. However even in these environments, with the right tools and thinking processes, innovation can take root and grow into something that drives new action. Utilise one of Australias most innovative disruptors to spark your team into thinking differently. Read less
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Jack DeLosa

Hear from someone that delivers a refreshing and disruptive presentation

A counter-intuitive thinker, Jack Delosa beings a refreshingly new and different approach to organisations and businesses across the globe. With extensive experience as a public speaker, Jack has spoken to audiences containing corporate senior managers, CEO’s, entrepreneurs, universities and government bodies.

Jack hosts his own online show and podcast, which reaches a wide audience. 

As an emerging leader for future and existing entrepreneurs, Jack’s journey has seen him go from having his company listed in the Fastest 50 Start-Ups in Australia, to raising over $5m for his personal clients, to acquiring businesses with his panel of investors.

With a focus on educating and developing new entrepreneurs, Jack has established two business education institutions, The Entourage and MBE Education.

Previously, Jack has consulted for some of the biggest companies in Australia, including Microsoft, Virgin and CPA. 

Jack now acts as a spokesperson for entrepreneurship in Australia, featured across all forms of the media. 

Enquire about Jack DeLosa to speak at your next event