Grace Brennan

Supporting rural communities as the #buyfromthebush founder 

Living in Warren NSW, Grace Brennan shares her sheep and cropping farm with her husband and their four children. She has dedicated her career to supporting rural families as an entrepreneur with a professional background in community development.

As the Co-Founder of AgDraft, Grace developed her business experience while building the agricultural employment platform. Noticing a gap between rural Australian businesses in reaching the wider market, Grace created a range of start-up programs to help promote them.

In 2019, Grace created the #buyfromthebush social media campaign to support rural communities facing drought. Within two months, she was able to amass a significant following by showcasing incredible goods from rural businesses. A viral sensation across the country, rural postage grew by 30% after Australians quickly bought out the goods.

The following year in 2020, Grace supported rural communities through the pandemic by increasing domestic tourism. Launching the #stayinthebush campaign, the online directory for rural accommodation further celebrated the beauty and creativity of rural Australia. 

Grace remains determined to support rural communities through a range of social movements that inspire more investment in bush business.

For her incredible work, Grace was named one of the nine most influential female entrepreneurs by the Sydney Morning Herald in 2019. She also inspired the nation in her 2020 Australia Day Address after being invited by the Australia Day Council of NSW.

Passionate about storytelling and community-driven change, Grace Brennan delivers charming keynote presentations on the power of investment over charity.

Enquire about Grace Brennan to speak at your next event