Eve Ash - Business Speakers - Psychologist, filmmaker, author and entrepreneur

Travels From Victoria

Speaker Topics

Adapt to Change

ADAPT to Change is designed to help learners confronted with challenging changes to use a positive attitude and strategy to adapt and thrive.

Once this is completed you will have learned to ADAPT to help make difficulties easier to manage. You will have learned to accept what you cannot control, and define the problem by examining the facts. This helps you to adjust to the situation so you can plan a pathway forward with the facts youve assembled. Then you can thrive in creative ways and help others to do so as well.

Learning objectives

Learn to transform coping into adapting with the five step formula ADAPT:

  • Accept what we cannot control
  • Define the problem
  • Adjust to the new situation
  • Plan a pathway forward
  • Thrive in creative ways
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How to Create a SWITCHED ON Culture

How to Create a Winning Mindset for Success in Life

Managing Difficult People with Ease

Public Speaking with Confidence

The Art of Feedback

Eve Ash

Psychologist, filmmaker, author and entrepreneur

Eve Ash is a dynamic speaker and regular presenter who is passionate about creating winning mindsets. With an extensive understanding of business, communication, relationships and success, Eve works to create a winning culture at work where employees are switched on and engaged. 

Eve is CEO of Seven Dimensions a Melbourne based company she founded that produces the hilarious Los Angeles based comedy series Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series starring Erin Brown and Emmy-award winning Kim Estes.

Eve trained as a vocational psychologist with the Australian government and created a wide range of successful resources with fellow psychologist Peter Quarry through their brand Ash.Quarry Productions.


Eve Ash has produced over 700 videos and two self-help books – Rewrite Your Life! and Rewrite Your Relationships! (Penguin Books). Her videos are used by thousands of businesses and universities worldwide. Eve’s documentary Shadow Of Doubt won a Gold Cine and was nominated for Best Feature Documentary, AACTA.

Eve appears in her latest TV series, Undercurrent, about the wrongful conviction of Sue Neill-Fraser airing on Channel 7 Jan-March 2019, Australia. Eve is completing a feature documentary Man on the Bus – about how she unraveled the secret double life of her mother.

B.Sc. (Hons) Monash University
B.Ed. (Counselling) La Trobe University
Registered Psychologist in Australia
Board Director – Served 4 years on Board of Film Victoria and 6 years on Board of Australian Film Institute

160+ awards & nominations for excellence and creativity read more

Eve is the lead writer on PEOPLE PROBLEMS for Australia’s largest business website, SmartCompany – weekly blog every Tuesday.


Enquire about Eve Ash to speak at your next event