Allan Briggs

A straight-shooter who gets results

As Founder and Owner of Crisis Shield, Allan Briggs has plenty of experience dealing with and responding to emergency situations. With a background in the Victoria Police, his work ethic and professionalism is unwavering and inspiring.

Serving in Victoria Police for 16 years saw Allan step in as Sergeant and managing the Public Relations Unit. He also worked at the Victoria State Emergency Services for four years as Manager of Media and Public Relations.

Working in high pressure situations where there is no margin for error, Allan has developed enviable skills in strategical development as well as understanding how to best minimise risks whilst maximising the management of issues and crisis.

He is passionate about having plans for the unexpected to ensure effective responsiveness even in challenging conditions, and as a speaker he shares tips with his audience about the best way to put this into practice.

Allan has a reputation for getting results and he has even initiated a mentor program to train employees to work with the media and put into place good public relations practice. 

Sharing his expertise, Allan has presented at events and conferences around the nation. He has lectured at several universities in Melbourne including RMIT University, Deakin University and Victoria University.

An exceptional speaker and mentor, Allan Briggs shares his experience and advice to everyone, ensuring they know how to react and respond effectively under pressure.

Enquire about Allan Briggs to speak at your next event