Event Marketing Using Social Media

Here are a couple of simple ways to optimise your online marketing using social media to reach the widest possible audience. 

  • Create a great hashtag. Make sure it’s original, recognisable, relevant and attributable to your event, i.e. #BestEventEver2023. Use the exact same hashtag every time. Don’t get #BestEventEver2023 mixed up with #BestEventEver23 – an easy mistake to make. Edit your tags carefully. Use them wisely. No-one wants to read a post with the same hashtag used four times in the body of text. Personalise your posts to make them interesting and don’t blow up your feed with spam that’s just advertising your event – the social media equivalent of junk mail.   
  • Facebook pages are a great marketing tool. You can invite colleagues, friends and relatives to ‘Like’ the page and share it with their friends. Word of mouth is the best marketing tool out there.  Use photos from previous events and create competitions offering free tickets if posts are liked and shared. For the cost of two tickets, your event can be marketed to thousands of individuals. Use your social media not just for advertising but to create a relationship with your customers. Link to blogs, articles and photo’s to personalise your event. 
  • Use enthusiasm and passion to write interesting posts. Write a blog on the progression of the event organisation. Release exciting snippets of news. Keep people interested. Just remember to keep it relevant!

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