When Is The Best Time For A Comedian To Perform?

Having a great comedian perform can be a huge drawcard for your event and provide some light relief to an intense conference. However, putting them on at the wrong time can have the opposite effect.

If your comedian is performing during table service, this will not work as many of their jokes can require full attention or a quiet pause - if people are eating and making noise, it just won’t work.

Also, you don’t want to have a comedian on too early in the evening when people are busy networking and catching up, or haven’t had time to unwind yet. But you don’t want them on too late either when some people might be a bit restless, tired or possibly have had a few too many to drink!

After dinner and before dessert is a time that works for most events.

There are many fantastic comedians for hire in Australia. With access to the best comedic talent on offer, we can make sure your chosen act leaves the audience heaving with laughter - a great way to make any event memorable! 

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