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Mark Inglis - Motivational Speakers - First double amputee to stand on the summit of Mt  ...

Travels From New Zealand

Mark Inglis

First double amputee to stand on the summit of Mt Everest with an inspirational story about resilience.

“Imagine, you are 23 years old, trapped in an ice cave for 14 days by a sub-zero blizzard on the summit of New Zealands highest peak. You are starving and freezing to death. You wake up in hospital to find that you have lost both legs below the knees due to frostbite.

What do you do next?

If you are Mark Inglis, you climb Mount Everest, of course.”

‘Do not let a disability define your life’

Between losing his legs at 23 years old due to frostbite and then going on to be the first double amputee to have stood on the roof of the world, the summit of Mount Everest, Mark has carved out careers as a scientist, a world recognised winemaker, business creator and innovator, paralympic athlete (NZ’s 1st paralympic cycling medal, a silver at Sydney 2000), Himalayan mountain and trekking guide, philanthropist and a leading International Motivator. Who else can truly define the often used saying, “Attitude determines your Altitude”

Enquire about Mark Inglis to speak at your next event