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Steve Sharp - Leadership - Supporting leaders to unlock potential by curating ...

Travels From Queensland

Speaker Topics

People are overwhelmed with constant change but need to keep pushing forward

Are your people struggling with the constant change and uncertainty at work and in life today?

Teams need to minimise human threat response in the workplace environment. This means developing calmness in the face of chaos.

Your positivity attracts potential.

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People are tired and stressed out but the pressure keeps coming

Are you worried about your people’s wellbeing?

Everyone needs to be able to manage stress and starve off burnout, and help their team mates do the same. 

Never give up. EVER!

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Your have pockets of brilliance but getting consistent performance across the business is hard work

Concepts, frameworks and theories are useful, but it’s the daily habits of your people that will mean the difference between ok and outstanding performance, consistently.

It’s got to be clear and it’s got to be doable, every day, all the time.

People will always get to choose who they follow.

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Steve Sharp

Supporting leaders to unlock potential by curating environments that fuel teamwork and performance.

People are not the greatest asset to businesses. People have been destroying businesses and performance for years. It's the collective mindset, habits, and behaviors of people that can be a business's greatest asset. The one thing every business is trying to cultivate, whether they know it or not, is Discretionary Effort. 

Discretionary Effort is when people choose to go above and beyond what is expected of them when no one is watching. Environments change people. Those businesses that curate environments that people want to turn up to every day and choose to give their Discretionary Effort will outperform those that cannot.

Steve inspires people to curate environments where others bring their 'whole self' to work and create high-performing teams in times of change. He does this through high energy and fun aha moments along the way.

Steve is an experienced Speaker and an Australian Financial Review Young Executive of the Year. He has over 20 years of experience leading and managing large teams and has facilitated over 300 leadership development and high-performance culture masterclasses. Steve's sessions are full of actionable insights in everyone's daily life and will give people a laugh along the way.


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